The basic process is to upload your images to the folder structure within our SignStix account. From there you can drag the images onto our signs and arrange them as required.

You can upload images in either Director or Creator, but using Director provides greater flexibility as you can rename images and move them around your folder structure if required.

Please see the Assets How-To for information on uploading and arranging your images using Director.

How do I add an image to a sign

To upload images in Creator:

  1. Open your sign in Creator.
  2. If the Media Management panel is not already open, choose ‘Media Management’ from the View menu, or press the ‘I’ key.
  3. Click the ‘Upload image’ button in the Media panel.
  4. Navigate to your image in the resulting file browser and click the ‘Open’ button (or equivalent).
  5. Once the file has uploaded you should see a small ‘thumbnail’ version of it in your General folder.

Once the image is in your folder structure (via Director or Creator), you can drag it from the Media Management panel in Creator onto your sign, where you can position and size it as desired.

Image Size

Images from high-resolution digital cameras can be very large e.g. 5000 x 3500 pixels.  However, the resolution of the current breed of signage devices is generally 1920 x 1080 pixels.  If an oversize image is uploaded and deployed as part of a sign, it will still work but the signage device will reduce the image resolution in order to display it.

This is a waste of network bandwidth because unnecessary image data is being transferred from your computer to the SignStix server, and then from the server to the signage devices without any benefit in final quality.

So it is recommended that images are re-sized to 1920 x 1080 (or lower for images that are only going to occupy a small part of a sign).

Easily add images onto your signage canvas with our Video Tutorial.